Pollan makes an interesting point: the food companies with the largest marketing & packaging budgets make the most health claims. It's funny how there could be a 'formula' for making you more healthy, thin, happy...I really believe it's all about balance. I mean, if you're only eating processed foods, you're going to feel awful, rundown and probably have more health problems. I'll be the 1st to admit I'm not 100% processed-food free, but I don't get wierded out by red meat, butter, fat, raw cheese (stuff that at times have all been warned against). I just feel that personally if I can maintain a sense of balance in my diet, that that is a healthy way for ME to live. So I'm still getting my veggies, whole grains and the 'good' fats, but I'm trying to balance those more with the more-than-occasional fried food and other 'bad' things in my diet. Now I just need to exercise a bit more...
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