We're nearing the finish line of Food Rules! As you may recall, the 3rd and final section of Pollan's book, Food Rules, is subtitled "How Should I Eat?" And funnily enough, lots of self-help and beauty mags have touted these rules already...not to mention our physicians and nutritionists. I'm going to summarize several points at a time for the next couple of blog entries (not because I want to finish the book before the end of the year!) since these next several rules are pretty short & to the point.
Rule #45: ...Eat less (caloric restriction slows aging)
Rule #46: Stop eating before you're full (other cultures have sayings and practices that advise to eat til we are 67-80% full. And I think about those meals where I eat so much I'm actually uncomfortable! I'm trying to limit my food intake at meals and not go back for 2nds)
Rule #47: Eat when you are hungry and not when you are bored (THIS is my downfall! One trick I've learned? Drink a glass of water. Many times when we think we are hungry we're really a little dehydrated. It often works!)
Rule #48: Consult your gut. (Slow down; take smaller portions so you eat less and not feel obliged to eat the entire plate of a very large portion; take at least 20 minutes to eat your meal)
Rule #49: Eat slowly. (Savor your food; chew slowly - treat your bites of food like you are tasting wine: chew it up thoroughy and let the flavors permeate your mouth; put down your fork between bites)
Rule #50: The banquet is in the first bite. (Savor your bites longer and more slowly for the first few and stop eating sooner than you might otherwise)
So there you have it: rules 45-50. Pretty straightforward but applied regularly will help reduce our intake of food & thus calories, cut back on waste and help tighten our belts in more ways than one. Next week we'll see more of these simple and straightforward rules.
Great post! CHEERS! Michele