And so once again I find myself having to apologize for not keeping up with this blog. But summer's keeping me busy! Last night, though, a repeat of the Oprah show featuring Michael Pollan was on and it guilted me into writing the next segment of this blog. Well, not quite, because I really enjoy reading and blogging about his book "Food Rules"...but it was still another reminder for me.
This latest rule is titled "Don't Eat Cereals that Change the Color of Milk". Now I must say I was a fan of Count Chocula, Fruit Loops & Fruity Pebbles as a kid. So sweet & delicious. I remember really liking how the texture went from crunchy to somewhat soft to totally soaked in milk, then drinking the little bit of milk from the bottom of the bowl. I haven't eaten cereal in years. But if asked, I'd say my favorite is Cheerios. Now the thought of drinking that pink or blue milk kinda grosses me out. Pollan's point, though is that cereals which change the color of the milk are obviously chock full of chemical additives, refined sugars and empty carbs. If I want to eat bright green or blue or pink I'm looking for kiwi or Michigan blueberries or lady apples.
But what if you are like Seinfeld and LOVE your cereal? Well, I guess at least go for whole grain cereals that aren't neon in color. Try making your own, like this recipe I found on epicurious.com: http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Mixed-Grain-and-Wild-Rice-Cereal-1435
You could also try making granola. This is actually a great tie in (surprise!) to our August staff selection at the shops, which is Milk & Honey Granola. We sell through several bags a day of this stuff, and I've heard more than one person's claim that this is the best granola they've ever tasted. This month you receive 1/2 off a bag when you buy another bag of granola at full price. We carry 4 flavors, each of them delicious, each made with real ingredients, with little else but dried fruit, nuts, honey & oats. And I'm pretty sure you won't be disappointed that your milk isn't anything but white when you get to the bottom of the bowl!
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